
Childcare Providers and the Fight Against the Recession

You do not have to be a parent to notice that one of the most important jobs in society is that of a childcare provider. Early years learning is vital for any society as the values are children are taught in their early years very often dictate how they act and perform later in life. It is for this reason why the news that many children providers have been hit with redundancies, reductions in sessions and increased operating costs are areas for concern.

On the subject of increased operating costs, one of the largest expenses that many children providers have, after staffing costs, is the cost of getting protection and peace of mind for their premises, children and staff in the form of nursery insurance or other childcare insurance. The good news for many nurseries and kindergartens is that savings could now be made on their nursery business insurance premiums due to a host of new nursery insurance brokers and companies offering policies to the childcare sector.

The result of these new entrants into the nursery insurance sector is that kindergartens and nursery schools can now shop around for alternative nursery insurance quotes safe in the knowledge that the cover they have always received can be matched and in many cases improved upon but for reductions in premiums.

At a time where every penny or nickel counts, having the chance to save hundreds or even thousands of pounds or dollars on a childcare providers business insurance premiums could go some way to helping them through the difficult times.

Saving money on a nurseries insurance is just one way that childcare providers could look to reduce their expenditure. Others include contacting other service providers with the view to trying to negotiate improved terms on other arrangements they have. Whilst this may not be possible in all cases, businesses of all types are struggling and they would much rather try and keep an existing customer happy than lose them completely.

Nurseries and childcare providers who spend a proportion of their budget on marketing to attract new children and staff can also look to reduce their marketing spend by trying different ways to promote their vacancies or childcare facilities. An advertisement in a trade magazine or local newspapers could be scaled down in favour of asking existing staff and parents for referrals and recommendations. And relationships could be formed with the local media for free publicity in the local paper or on the local television channel in return for newsworthy material relating on your nursery. A local celebrity attending an open day to promote your facility could certainly be of interest to the media and this type of free publicity could well result in exposure and interest for little or not cost.

The fact is 2008 has been a struggle for the childcare industry and whilst there is hope the second half of 2009 will start to see an improvement, nurseries, pre schools and other childcare providers should do all they can to make it through these difficult times. Saving money on nursery insurance and getting free publicity are just a couple of ways to do this so be prudent with your budget and hopefully 2009 and beyond will include happy days for you, your staff, your nursery and your children.

This article was written by Mark Burdett of NCi Nursery. Mark has over 17 years Marketing experience in the Financial Services industry and has worked on campaigns for companies including Norwich Union, Kia and Zurich.

Now based in Newcastle upon Tyne Mark works for one of the UK's Leading Nursery Insurance Brokers - NCi Nursery.

For all your Nursery Insurance needs, call NCi Nursery now on 0800 046 1446 or visit http://www.ncinursery.co.uk.

Affordable Burial Insurance For Senior Citizens and Elderly

Burial policies, also known as final expense insurance, are small life insurance policies that are meant to pay for funeral costs and other final expenses. These types of policies are gaining popularity with seniors who find themselves without life insurance because their term insurance has ended, or because prior life insurance policies have lapsed. Many seniors think that there are no affordable options for them to leave money to their families to pay final expenses. A burial insurance policy is the best way for senior citizens to get affordable life insurance.

Some features of burial policies:

• Permanent insurance with level premiums that will never increase.
• Qualifying ages between 50 and 85
• No medical exam required and many health issues are ok
• Issued quickly and death benefits are paid quickly

What If I Have Major Health Issues?

Most burial policies are easy to qualify for, even if you have some minor health issues. The application usually consists of a health questionnaire and the life insurance company will typically check to make sure there is nothing in your health history that you did not disclose. But what if you have more serious health conditions? There are policies that are known as guaranteed issue final expense policies, and nobody is turned down. The premiums are higher, but for those who feel that they have no other option, these policies can provide peace of mind that their final expenses won't be a burden on their families.

Which Company Has the Most Affordable Rates?

There are many companies that offer affordable burial policies for seniors and the elderly. Since each company has different underwriting requirements, you should speak with a licensed agent to determine which company has the lowest rates for you. A licensed agent who works with multiple final expense companies will get a little bit more information about your health history to determine which company will give you the best rates.


Survival Insurance Policy

Let's face it, you can have life insurance, you can have car insurance and you can have homeowners insurance but none of these policies will help you a bit during a time of crisis. You may think that you are covered for just about any contingency that can happen but my friend you are so very wrong.

You have totally forgotten the most important insurance that you can perhaps have. That is your survival insurance. When situations develop you can only rely upon yourself and no one else. The government will be much to busy to be concerned with you and I. They will simply be overwhelmed. If you think I am exaggerating thing back to the crisis situation that occurred in New Orleans when hurricane Katrina struck.

It would be nice if we could easily sidestep the issues that we do not care for and step cautiously behind the curtain only to emerge shortly and once again see things are as we would like them to be. Unfortunately that is not the case. The world is what we see and we have to learn to do the best we can in it. We can not rely upon the old adage that it will not happen to me or it won't happen here. Many families have been completely wiped out by the breadwinner thinking along these same lines.

I am sure that you would deliberately not feed you children nor would you subject them to unnecessary cold or other uncomfortable conditions. But think for a moment what you are doing to your family when you fail to be prepared. We must be prepared for any sort of emergency or disaster.

With our world in such turmoil it is to our best interests to stock up on extra food and supplies. Don't wait until the last moment and then rush to the store to stock your pantry. This won't work and you will only endanger yourself and your family. It is your responsibility to care and prepare for your family so why not start at home. It is up to you to take personal responsibility to provide for your family. Several items that people should prepare with include:

Valuable metals such as gold or silver which in an emergency could be used for bartering. Keep in mind that these precious metals will only be worth anything at the beginning of the crisis. As things get worse food will quickly take their place as a valuable commodity. Have a large portion of your cash readily available in an emergency. Banks during a crisis situation will not give you your money.

Have at least a 3 month supply of food and water. A years worth of these items would be better and should be your goal. These necessities should include bottled water. If you happen to have a private well you should still keep some purification tablets available.

Keep a healthy supply of batteries readily at hand. I personally prefer to recharge my batteries. I have a recharger plus I can connect it to the inverter in the BOV when on the road. In my emergency kit I have several different types of lights as well as an abundance of batteries. I have included a crank radio as well as a crank light just in case. I keep matches in my emergency kit as well as lighters. Incidentally if you decide to keep lighters in an emergency kit make sure that you stock up on lighter fluid or butane.

I would be foolish to go to all this trouble without maintaining some sort of weapons and ammo. My spare clothing is a normal compliment of sock, underwear, etc. I keep two BOB - One for winter and one for summer.

Additional items include things like 2 way radios, watches with cigarette lighters built in, a tent, an elaborate first aid kits, a generator, various fishing rods and tackle, Maps, as well as propane stoves.

I would like to think that I am ready for any emergency however from experience I am well aware that when it comes down to the wire I probably am missing something important.

Copyright @ 2009 Joseph Parish

For more information relating to survival visit us at http://www.survival-training.info

Fix Your Insurance Score - 10 Tips

Ever heard of an insurance score? Most people haven't. Let me explain what it is and give you some ideas on how to improve this number.

Naturally it has to do with tickets and accidents and unlike the DMV (tickets fall off every year), some companies go back as far as ten years, some seven or five, even as short as three. An insurance score includes: payment history, bankruptcy, foreclosures and collection activity, length of credit history, amount of outstanding debt in relation to credit limits, types of credit in use, and number of new applications for credit.

Your insurance score also has a relation to your credit. The argument being that insurance is a form of credit as the consumer pays a monthly premium and can end up with multiple large bills after proven liable.

Something you do today can follow you for the next five years (or longer) as many of us already know.

With insurance scoring it only goes to show, an individual, as well as the industry, can benefit from everyone driving slower and having compassion for fellow commuters.

Lower premiums are an option but the consumer has to take the initial steps. Remember, insurance companies are pooling risks. That's me, you, and the neighbor: if the rating class we're in has substantial losses we're all in for a rate increase.

Lets slow down a little and pay a more attention to driving instead of the phone or make up or whatever it might be. You could find yourself with a lower premium as a result.


  2. Paying your bills on time improves your score.
  4. As a rule of thumb, maintain account balances at least 75% below your available credit.
  6. Too many inquiries may negatively impact your score.
  8. Your access to excessive unused credit could result in too much debt.
  10. Know what is on your credit report and take necessary steps to dispute any inaccuracies.
  12. Good credit is built over time.
  14. Consider how to effectively pay down your debt without generating more credit activity.
  16. Too many new loans or credit accounts opened in a short amount of time can negatively affect your credit rating.
  18. A longer credit history has a positive impact on your score.
  20. Resolve outstanding balances before they are turned over to a debt collector.

Carson E. Koziol
I am a licensed insurance agency owner in Nevada


Brain Tips

Have you been searching for just the right brain tips, the ones that get you a raise, or fame and fortune?

A magic potion or a magic wand, or like the super villins of cartoon land, the machine which makes your skull twice as large?

Unfortunately, I have not discovered any brain tips like that either, but I have learned that the brain can be worked with, exercised, even trained, fed, and rested, to be the brain which provides the maximum level of neurons firing in tight synchrony, the kind of brain which grows new neurons, and new synapsess and dendrites because that brain receives novel challenge regularly. That is a brain tip that I can use.

The key brain tips involve awareness of recent discoveries about our brains which indicate that our brain grows new neurons (neurogenesis). Those neurons can become part of already existing circuits if we can challenge them with novel learning experiences within a certain window of opportunity.

According to what I am reading now, if the neurons are not challenged within that window, they are pruned, because the brain is an energy efficient organ, and keeps the operating system already in place nourished.

The good news is we can provide the challenge for those new neurons with novel learning experiences. Novel is the very important word.

What novel learning involves is learning a new skill, not more of the same skill. In other words, as a counselor, I cannot read another counseling text, and expect to cement those new neurons into an existing circuit. I need to learn how to play chess, play an instrument, or study a foreign language, or I need to use one of the new computer based brain fitness programs to exercise my existing circuits.

That is the kind of novel challenge which is key to neurogenesis.

Here is another brain tip. Our brains are incredibly plastic, and just love to adopt themselves to new activities.

In fact, the brain is a data seeking organ, and wants to perceive and learn, constantly.

It will respond to learning new skills by growing new dendrites on existing neurons and new synapses on existing dendrites, forming many new connections, which are the key to your super brain. The more neurons involved in a perception process, the more likely it is that our perceptions will be accurate, and the decisions we make in regard to those perceptions will most likely be effective in our lives.

So providing my brain what it needs in regards to neurogenesis and neuroplasticity are the two most important brain tips for today.

About The Author

Michael S. Logan is a brain fitness expert, counselor, a student of Chi Gong, and a licensed one on one HeartMath provider. I enjoy the spiritual, the mythological, and psychological, and I am a late life father to Shane, 10, and Hannah Marie, 4, whose brains are so amazing.


Life Insurance - Never Too Early to Be Late

Some people have made this very terrible mistake of thinking they are too young to take up a life insurance policy. How much more false can this be? Death records can prove you wrong in an instant. As far as I am concerned, once you have loved ones who are dependent on you, you need to get a life insurance cover. Your major concern should be getting enough coverage and getting an affordable life insurance coverage.

Some things you need to note as a young person is not that you are too young but that you can capitalize on your youth to get a lower life insurance rate.

Here are some steps to take to ensure you get lower rates.

Usually the first thing to do when searching for affordable life insurance coverage is to do just that - search.

You could search wrongly and end up frustrated and stressed out. This is the first step and also a very important step especially if you are new to it and don't understand much about it. The more you search, the more you get to know. For an older user, their first step would be to determine the exact amount of coverage they need before shopping to compare rates.

So you need to search. Do so online by visiting free quotes sites and comparing quotes from different insurers.

As a young person, you are by default thought to be healthy and therefore not likely to make a claim soon. After taking up a policy, it is necessary to stay healthy and fit as this would ensure your rates stay low.

When you have had your policy for sometime, it is very necessary to constantly review your policy to know -

1. If your coverage is still adequate. ( there might be additions to your family by birth or otherwise)
2. If your coverage is still a good deal compared with other insurers
3. If there is a way you can lower your rates by cashing into discounts you could now qualify for that you did not when you got the policy.

You really need to keep in touch with reality and your policy otherwise you could wake up one day and discover that you have been hugely overpaying on your life insurance coverage.

Always make sure you are well covered so as not to jeopardize the future of your loved ones. At the same time, make sure that you are getting the best deal possible.

From time to time, visit free quotes comparison sites and compare quotes. this would keep you abreast with the reality of things in the insurance world. Make sure you visit between 4 and 5 sites to get a much better idea of rates available.

Here are two great sites to start your quotes comparison

Affordable Life Insurance Quotes!

Affordable Insurance Quotes!

Chimerenka Odimba is the publisher Several finance based sites

Chimerenka Odimba - EzineArticles Expert Author


Convention Hotels For Your Business

Business works are quite time consuming and very tedious. One of the things that businessmen do is join seminars and conventions that help them improve their craft. Others make their own seminars and conventions to train their employees to become more efficient.

To be able to organize such conventions or seminars, they would need to have a big space or place where the event will take place. It should be big enough to accommodate all the participants. They should also have the right equipment needed for the convention. It would include a very dependable sound system, computer, visual aid equipment and many more.

Aside from the technicalities, any business gathering will also require some food to feed the participants, hosts or speakers, and organizers.

Here are some of the hotels considered convention hotels because they focus more on providing venues for business purposes.

Hotel de Vendome

This hotel is located at the Central Paris, France. It is called Hotel de Vendome because it is located in Vendome. This hotel has an opulent design both in the inner and outer portion of the hotel. Its lobby is fully marbled and lighted with many crystal chandeliers.

This hotel only has twenty nine guestrooms despite the fact that it is a five storey hotel. All their rooms are wood paneled. It is decorated with designer fabrics. Each has antique furniture and tapestries. Almost all the things in their hotel are remotely controlled. This includes the lights, curtains and music.

The hotel offers meeting rooms and also presidential suite for conferences. Their business center not only has complete facilities, they also have complimentary newspapers and translation services. These are all included in their conference packages.

Hotel de Vendome has the Grand Vendome Restaurant and bar the style of a traditional British Club. It is adorned with Chesterfield furniture. Its wood panel is made of Mahogany. The breakfast served maybe continental or American buffet. Lunch and dinner can be done in their restaurant that serves French Gourmet Cuisines. They also serve Live Jazz played by their Pianist on Thursdays to Saturdays evening.

This hotel offers free charge to children below five years old. They allow pets with a minimum fee. There is medical assistance available. You can also have computer rentals in here.

Here are some of the area attractions of the Hotel: Jardin Des Tuileries, Place De La Concorde, Place De La Madeleine, Champs Elysees, Palais Royal, and Notre-dame Cathedral.

Gioberti Hotel

The main feature of this hotel is the garden and television room on site. They have a total of eighty two guestrooms, all fully air conditioned. These guest rooms feature tiled floors and furnishing of very traditional designs. All rooms have mini bars. They serve daily complementary newspapers. Their bathrooms are complete with bathrobes and complementary toiletries.

The hotel has a meeting room that can accommodate up to twenty five people only. There are complimentary newspapers provided in the lounge.

Gioberti Bar serves all kinds of drinks and snacks. They have complimentary continental buffet breakfast too. This breakfast includes cold cuts, cheese and breads too.

Children of 2 years old and below are admitted for free. The hotel does not allow pets. They provide tour assistance for all their visitors.

Nearby are many beautiful attractions worth seeing, like the Basilica Of Santa Maria Maggiore, Piazza Della Republica, Coliseum, Trevi Fountain, Spanish Steps, Piazza Navona And Pantheon, and St. Peter's Church And Vatican Museum.

For more information on Convention Cruises and Convention Flights please visit our website


Malang is one of clean and cool cities in East Java has, without any doubt, been famous since long time ago. Historical remmants scattered around Malang Showing that it hat played important roles in may eras and stretching out from 112° 17' 10,90° up to 112° 57' 0,00° east Longitude and extending from 7° 44' 55,11° up to 8° 26' 35,45° South Latitude.

Malang regency is bordered by Blitar and Kediri Regencies on the West; Jombang, Mojokerto and Pasuruan Regencies on the North; Probolinggo and Lumajang Regencies on the East and Indian Ocean on the South.

Malang is known with its beautiful beaches. There are many tourists who always visit Malang's beaches in holiday. The beaches are Ngliyep beach, Balekambang beach, and Sendang Biru beach.
Then the foreign tourists are commonly interesting to Malang's temples that save the historical value of the past Kingdom in Malang regency, they are; Singosari temple, Jago temple, Kidal temple, etc. Beside that, Malang still has a lot of tourism objects that will attract you to visit it. Coban Rondo waterfall, Wonosari tea plantation, Wendit pool, mount Kawi, mount Bromo panorama, Coban Pelangi waterfall, Karangkates recreation park, and the others, are Malang's interesting places that presents their nature scenery.

Also visit Malang City Tour that offers its interesting places such as; City Hall, Monument Juang'45, bird and flowers market, senaputra park, kayu tangan complex, City Square, Senaputra Park, etc.



What to Look For in Travel Health Insurance

This article is as a response to the plethora of articles and websites out there regarding Travel Health Insurance.

As somebody relatively new to the "insurance" field (i come from a background of life assurance and medical aid), I consider it important to understand what it is, that should be looked for in Travel Health Insurance?

Especially so, as in South Africa, many medical aids cover you for 90 days out of the country (International coverage) for medical expenses. You also get "free" travel insurance from the banks (underwritten by insurance companies) when you buy your travel ticket on your credit card.

So...my first question is "Why do I want to buy Travel Health Insurance?"

In answering that, I would say that it is because I want Certainty that if something happens to myself or my fellow travellers that requires medical treatment, that the cost is borne by my insurance.

Imagine the alternative...being 'stranded' in a strange country, not being able to speak the language and having no Travel Health Insurance!

Not hard to imagine is it?

I would probably have a heart attack from the stress.

So Advantage no. 1 is that I would buy Travel Health Insurance for CERTAINTY.

Then, I would look at the product and ask myself a few further questions:

How much cover do I need?

As the medical event/ accident would be unplanned. How could I possibly answer this, I simply do not know.

So I would want unlimited cover. And to make sure that the insurance company would pay the actual cost of my care (within acceptable reason).

After all, why are there limits on cover? Purely for the insurance company to limit its risk.

Will the insurance company arrange payment directly with the hospital/provider? If I am seriously injured, I am going to want to know that I am being taken care of, without needing to arrange everything myself.

I am at a loss even trying to negotiate with a street vendor!

Then, just in case I am going to a place where the medical care might not be of a high standard...

Will the insurer pay for me to be evacuated to a place where I can be properly cared for?

If necessary, can I be repatriated to my home country?

I also know that when I am travelling that I don't have much in the way of excess money, so I do not want a deductible on my insurance. What would happen if I couldn't pay the deductible?

I like to try different things so I don't want any restrictions on hazardous pursuits, because while I am travelling, I want to be able to enjoy myself (even if it includes a little bungy jumping, skiing or parasailing) and I Do not want to spend my time worrying about my insurance cover.

I hope that this helps when you are looking at buying Travel Health Insurance. The questions are usually answered with different priorities for different people, but it helps to consider them just the same.

Always remember to check your policy conditions and to be happy with them before you travel. However, the more conditions, the more I am put off.

Happy travelling!

Kenny Williamson began his insurance career in the commissions area at Southern Life in 1989. He then fulfilled different roles within the "Agency Field" area

In 2001, Southern Life was amalgamated with Momentum Life and Kenny stayed on to help ensure the smooth transition of the Southern Life Agency Force payroll to Momentum Life. Thereafter, he was contracted to Capital Alliance to help ensure the remainder of the Southern Life Agency force payroll was smoothly integrated there

After the stint at Capital Alliance, he went on sabbatical to Israel and spent time with Mother Nature in a Kibbutz, finishing this with an exploratory trip to Ireland. On his return to South Africa, he became a consultant with Discovery Consulting Services Peninsula, at which he excelled for three and a half years

In 2007, he left to join a brokerage and get 'closer' to the client. He now runs his website http://www.businessowner-cover.com and comments on industry issues


Cheapest Medical Insurance - Steps to Qualify

You will get the most affordable rate possible for your profile if you discover and implement certain things. I'll reveal a number of you have to do if you want massive discounts that won't put you and yours at risk...

The use of tobacco in any form will increase your rates. Chewing or snuffing tobacco, for instance will cost you in higher rate.

Staying off all tobacco products will help you get less expense in health insurance.

Some persons are not poor enough to qualify for plans for low-income earner and as well have financial challenges that make traditional health insurance hard to pay fo. A discount medical card is a cheaper alternative for such people.

With these cards you get medical attention from a network of health care professionals who have agreed to render services to card carriers at reduced rates. This card is not managed by an insurance company.

It's as well a wise choice for those who may have a pre-existing ailment that will disqualify them from most health insurance carriers or make them attract prohibitive rates. This kind of card does not exclude anyone for any reason. All you are expected to do is pay a small monthly fee and you will benefit from the services of a network of health care providers at a reduced rate.

A Flexible Spending Account helps you as you search for opportunities to save. This kind of account allows you to save tax-free dollars specifically for your health needs. Any money not used could be rolled over into the subsequent year (still tax free). With this you can actually build up a reasonable amount to meet your health care needs.

What amount can you pay out of your pocket each time you see the doctor? This is known as your co-pay. Your rate will be cheaper if you choose a higher co-pay. This is seriously recommended for those who hardly go to see a doctor.

Are the limits of your policy unreasonable? What a company will spend if an insured develops cancer or other catastrophic diseases should be given due consideration. Shop for a better insure and do not just settle for it if you consider what they have as their limits are unreasonable.

In the same vein, ensure that it has a reasonable maximum amount you'll be expected to pay for medical treatments within a year. Like in the other case, start shopping for another health insurance provider if you are not satisfied.

Don't forget...

Make out some time to visit at least five insurance quotes sites that offer quotes on health insurance policies. It should take you not more than 25 minutes.

As you visit each quotes site, ensure you give the same details. Doing otherwise will return misleading quotes. When you've received your health insurance quotes, compare them to see which serves your interest best both in price and value.

Here are great pages for health insurance quotes...

InsureMe Health Insurance Quotes

Health Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

Chimezirim Chinecherem Odimba - EzineArticles Expert Author

Health Insurance - Factors That Lower Costs

There are a number of ways to cheaper but adequate coverage. But while many of them may save you some money, they could leave you with inadequate coverage. However, in this article, I'll share a few time-tested ways of paying less and at the same time have sufficient coverage. Here they are...

An outstanding credit rating will reflect favorably on your rate. Having a poor credit history is simply making hard for yourself in addition to the fact that your premium will be much higher. The simple reason for this is that there is a general consensus among most insurance carriers that there is a correlation between poor credit rating and high risks. Once you are seen as bad risk you will attract higher premiums.

Some states offer home business owners a chance to bring down their cost. This is because home based businesses are given the same low rates that insurance companies offer their bigger counterparts.

And all it requiries for your home business to be eligible is just one employed worker.

The good part is that the member of staff could be your spouse or your older child who works with you. The good thing is that such a worker mustn't work full time for you to be eligible.

This alternative gives cheaper rates considering that group rates are usually lower than rates for individuals.

You can check if home businesses that are qualified for group rates in your state by visiting your state's department of insurance or its equivalent.

For individuals who are self employed, your premiums may be tax-deductible. If your employer offers a flexible spending account then might entitle you to a tax break. Consult a tax professional. This will help you know for sure what will entitle you to a tax break and what won't.

Registering with an HMO will help lower your cost. They are normally more affordable than buying traditional health insurance. Nevertheless, joining an HMO means you are restricted to the use of only doctors, other health care professionals and hospitals that are part of the network.

For those who want total freedom of choice in who and where to get medical care, a traditional health insurance plan is still your best bet.

For such people, cost can be reduced by a great margin if they take the time out to shop extensively for the best rates in traditional health insurance. If you shop extensively you'll pay far less for any plan you choose.

But if cutting cost is priority, then go with an HMO as it is generally less expensive than traditional health insurance.

There are booklets on health care and insurance that the government publishes every year. You will understand more about what affects your health and health insurance policy if you can get such publications. And, with better information, you and yours can take steps that will help you prevent some health conditions, live a healthier life and eventually bring down your health care budget. Once these is the case, you will attract lower rates.

Your drug cost may sometimes be cheaper than your co-pay. There are instances where it will cost you less if you don't use your insurance but buy a prescription from your purse. Use the option that gives you bigger savings.

Do you best to compare before you use your insurance.

Here are great pages for health insurance quotes...

InsureMe Health Insurance Quotes

Health Insurance Quotes

Chimezirim Odimba writes on insurance.

Chimezirim Chinecherem Odimba - EzineArticles Expert Author